Monday, March 21, 2011


I feel lucky for this morning as I awake with no alarms,
just the sunshine and my body deciding it is time to rise.
I feel lucky realizing that we have both outlasted our previous models
and time frames and notions of how long love could last and that we are still
in love with one another.
I feel lucky that when I cry and whine to you about some utter nonsense
that is a result of me being too tired or too sensitive or both that you patiently listen
and reassure me once more.
I feel lucky that I was born to the caretakers that raised me and comforted me and taught me how to live and even swatted at my legs with switches when I was ornery or bad but mostly turned a blind eye to my often reckless nature.
I feel lucky for my deepest friendships that have weathered adolescents, and college, and distance, and jobs and husbands and babies; changing as we grew and continue to grow into the women that we are.
I feel lucky to find four leaf clovers in the early morning while stumbling in the back yard with the dog that is my sweet shadow.
These 8 petals of green life remind me of what is good and true and free.
I pinch myself and whisper...... this really is your life. 


  1. Beautiful sentiments and what an extraordinary photograph too! I feel lucky to have you in my world as a source of constant inspiration and friendship.


  2. I have never seen a four leaf clover before; I feel like I've just seen magic embodied. Amazing.

  3. Jennifer~Your encouragement and light mean the world to me. I am thankful to call you my friend.

    Elizabeth~Really and truly you never have? Do they not have them in Oregon? We must fix this. Now I feel even luckier. :)

    Thank you Marian. XOXO

  4. stephanie! i adore your blog ~ the gorgeous tapestry of colors are the SEA colors

    it feels like you and passionate and


    i still remember your poetry!

  5. Thank you so much Maddie. Hugs to you. I am thrilled for you and your upcoming show! :)
