Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Looking Forward and Backward

I have been everywhere except for here lately.  I have missed this time but every time I have tried to write I find myself wanting to reach for a book, or google a question I had, or make a call, or return an e-mail, or make a list, or run an errand, or make dinner.....and on and on I have been flittering to and fro and feeling very fragmented the past few days.  We are fixing up our home and looking for a new one and there is of course the everyday life in between all of that too. Sometimes I just let it all overwhelm me too much.  Sorry that I have been away but I will be back soon.  I need a long bath and nothingness time.  I need to let my worries go in a whirlwind fashion down the drain after a long soak.  I need a few minutes of silence and nowness to myself.

October 2010, Washington State

This picture reminds me of the soothing water, of looking forward and backward but I know how very present and alive I was and how I felt in this picture.  

It was a morning of awaking before dawn and trespassing onto private party (oops) to watch the sunrise and to our surprise to see sand dollars and star fish. Sometimes looking backward and forward can be so very good for us.  It is remembering who we are and where we come from.  It is remembering how far we have come and how much further we want to go. It is anticipating what is to come with child-like excitement. Right now I just need to settle into this moment though. 

I am so thankful for this moment, for this place and for being able to write.  The writing lets me get it all out.  I dump everything onto this white canvas and I feel like the words are tea leaves and I swirl them around until I read my heart. 

Until we meet again. XOXO

1 comment:

  1. "I need a long bath and nothingness time" - two favorites over this way too. :)

    I adore this photo of you. I feel incredibly fortunate to have met you there and to have shared a bit of that transforming experience together.

    "the words are tea leaves and I swirl them around until I read my heart" ~ so beautiful.

