Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer is Near

Multiflora Rose

Summer is near.
I smell her perfume of
tangled honeysuckle and wild rose.
I hear her laughter in
the rolling thunder and dazzling cracks of lightening.
She leaves the treasure of sparkling
diamonds on the lawn in the early morning and the promise of the evening tree frog serenade.
Every bloom and buzz
deliver a reminder to pause
and savor the enchantment.


  1. Beautiful picture and Beautiful poem!! :)

  2. ah summer, it is wonderful time. :)

    i wish we had tree frog serenades too.

    the lines "i hear her laughter in the rolling thunder and dazzling cracks of lightning" and "savor the enchantment" are really pulling at me with their beauty.

  3. Oh don't have tree frogs? Maybe that is because you have sea frogs instead..hee hee...

  4. I can smell these through my computer!
