Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Little Visitor

Lizard peaking in the kitchen window
The other day while I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen I caught movement out of the corner of my eye.  When I turned around my breath caught as I saw the cutest little lizard peaking through the kitchen window at me.  I spoke sweetly and said hello and the lizard pulled its head down into the flower pot a little.  I said a little verbal prayer that the lizard would stay and ran upstairs to grab my camera.  She/he stayed quite a while actually and allowed me to snap away and even took a little cat nap closing its eyes every now and then (it was the cutest thing ever) and just resting. 

I am always so thankful for the little visits I get from lizards and frogs, from birds and butterflies and dragon flies, and from the rare sitings of the elusive praying mantis or roaming turtle.  I feel like the visits are fortuitous omens.

Have you had any unusual visitors lately?

1 comment:

  1. How sweet this is! We've had a large yellow and black butterfly fluttering about in our garden this week~ such a welcome sight! I love these little visits too.
