Today it is sunny and windy with a chance for severe storms expected late this evening. At this moment though it is the perfect day with the bluest sky and the greenest new leaves bursting forth from the trees, the air is warm and cool, and the sun is bright and cheery. If Goldilocks was to give her opinion I believe she would say
it is just right.
We have been doing so much sawing and painting that this gusty day is just what we needed to breathe new life in and take away the old.....for both me and the house. So I threw open the windows upstairs in my office and also in the guest bedroom on the opposite side of the house. I am caught in the middle of a wonderful cross breeze.
Hanging Rock, NC 2009 |
Throw open the windows
and let the air rush through like a snakey tributary
flushing out the old and outdated dust clinging to your bones.
Throw open the windows
and breathe in the cobalt blue sky.
Let it fill you up
and up and up
until you are floating high above the tree tops.
Throw open the windows
to your heart, to the very center
and receive the blessings that are ripe and to be shared
and received like a communion between you and the universe.
Throw open the windows
and just sit.
Feel the wind dancing over your skin
tickling the hairs on your arms and holding you
in a gentle embrace.
Throw open the windows
and hear the music and how the leaves dance
in fervor across the lawn and listen to the trees
sway in delight.
Throw open the windows
and allow this push and pull,
this give and take,
this spring cleaning to commence.